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Your one source for all your filter needs

Custom Autologue - Harlow Filters Custom Autologue - Harlow Filters


  • How do I place an order?
  • How long does it take to ship my order out?
  • How will my parts be shipped to me?
  • Can I return my order?
  • What type of filters do you sell?
  • Will using aftermarket filters cause my warranty to be voided?
  • What is a micron rating?
  • What is a MERV rating?
  • How often should I change the engine air filter in my equipment?
  • How often should I change my oil filters and fuel filters?

  • Question : How do I place an order?
    Answer : Search for parts, add to cart, and checkout.
    Question : How long does it take to ship my order out?
    Answer : Most parts ship same day. If it is special order, we will contact you with an estimated timeline.
    Question : How will my parts be shipped to me?
    Answer : We offer in store pickup, curbside delivery, and UPS shipping. In checkout you will select which option you prefer and we will prepare your order accordingly.
    Question : Can I return my order?
    Answer : Please see for details on our shipping and return policies.
    Question : What type of filters do you sell?
    Answer : Harlow Filter Supply sells all types of filters. We mostly sell aftermarket filters such as Luber Finer and Donaldson, however we do sell some OEM products. The only filters that we do not sell are residential water system filters and pool filters. Pretty much everything else we can provide!
    Question : Will using aftermarket filters cause my warranty to be voided?
    Answer : Aftermarket filters will not void your warranty. A manufacturer cannot require the use of any brand of filter unless they provide the filter free of charge under the terms of the warranty.
    Question : What is a micron rating?
    Answer : A micron rating is used to determine the amount and size of debris that gets filtered or removed from liquids. One micron is equal to one thousandth of a millimeter.
    Question : What is a MERV rating?
    Answer : MERV stands for Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value. A MERV rating lets you know what air particle size an air filter will trap. The higher the MERV rating, the smaller the particle that can be trapped by the air filter.
    Question : How often should I change the engine air filter in my equipment?
    Answer : You should always refer to your owner’s manual first for suggested service intervals. Environmental conditions and usage factors can also affect the intervals at which your engine air filter should be changed. You should visually check you air filter if you operate in dusty/adverse conditions and change the air filter if you determine the air filter is dirty.
    Question : How often should I change my oil filters and fuel filters?
    Answer : Again, you should always refer to your owner’s manual first for suggested service intervals. Environmental conditions and usage factors can also affect the intervals at which your engine oil filters and/or fuel filters should be changed. If your equipment begins showing signs of loss of power, rough starts, shuddering idles, or hesitation in response from the engine when pressing the gas pedal, it may be time have your filters changed. You should have your fuel and oil system inspected by a professional if problems persist.