Now you have a friend in the filter business

Your one source for all your filter needs

Custom Autologue - Harlow Filters Custom Autologue - Harlow Filters

About Us

There are few companies within the filtration industry that have the track record of excellence that Harlow Filter Supply presents. This is due to a few things. The first would be that we were founded by an amazing gentleman named J.G. Harlow. In 1936, J.G. Harlow established Harlow Filter Supply in order to meet a need that he saw within the Dallas, Texas community, and we have been working to fill that need ever since. 

How It Started 

Since our founding in 1936 Harlow Filter Supply has been carrying and supplying almost every kind of filter or filtration product imaginable. From oil filters and fuel filters for cars and trucks to hydraulic fluid filters and air filters, there is not a filtration need that we cannot help with, and if there is let us know so that we can start to take care of that section of the market as well. 

It did not take long for the name of Harlow Filter Supply to become synonymous with excellent quality, customer service, and reliability. We are still a family owned company and those same descendants of J.G. Harlow still operates Harlow Filter Supply now into the new century. The third generation of Harlows and the 14 dedicated employees are dedicated to continuing the long established tradition of excellence that made Harlow Filter Supply the place to go for all of your filtration supply needs back in 1936, and we will continue to do so for as long as Harlow Filter Supply is around. 

How Its Going

Over the past 25 years, we have expanded both our product lines and offerings along with our locations. We now operate two locations, one in Dallas and another in Houston. Between our two locations, we are able to offer over 50 different filter lines and numerous other filtration supply components that are necessary for all types of applications. 

In addition to our Texas based locations, we are also able to help customers across the United States as well as across the globe. Through our website anyone can order the air, oil, and fuel filters that they need and have them drop shipped to where they are. Take a moment and let our expert staff help you find the filtration products you need to keep you and your business running. Harlow Filter Supply is truly the one source for all of your filter needs.