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CIM Tek Filtration

Unlike many companies that are born and then develop their signature product, CIM Tek was born BECAUSE of their signature product. A. Richard Ayers developed what he called the PRE-VENT fill cap for fuel storage tanks in 1956. Now, while he had this amazing product that reduced fuel evaporation, and prolonged the quality of the stored fuel, he needed somewhere to make the PRE-Vent cap. Thus Central Illinois Manufacturing Company (CIMCO) was born in Bement, Illinois. After developing their Clean-Flow filter in 1958 and the Gas-O-Line series, CIMCO adopted the name CIM Tek. 

From their humble beginnings in the late 1950 to today, CIM Tek Filters can now be found across the globe. Headquartered in Bement, Illinois, CIM Tek is still a family run organization that prioritizes quality and customer service. Harlow Filter Supply is proud to stock CIM Tek filters, and stands ready to help you find the filter you need today.   

Harlow Filter Supply Features 

Some of the Most Competitive CIM Tek Filter Pricing on the Market 

Outperforms OEM Filter Requirements and OEM Field Performance 

Full Line of CIM Tek Filters to Choose From

Expert Staff, and Excellent Customer Service

Order Your CIM Tek Filter Today

At Harlow Filter, you not only get access to the best products in the filtration world, but also the years of experience that our staff has. Trust the experts at Harlow Filter Supply today to help you find the new CIM Tek filter you need to get your job done.  You can call us at 800.638.5576, or use our online store to find the filter you need.